Happy Hill Farm Image Credit: Blog.Timesunion.com
Education and nutrition are two things that should never be separated. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reinforces this idea via the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which allows the USDA to make actual reforms regarding school lunch and breakfast programs.
Much of the meat served at NCTA’s dining center comes from Happy Hill Farm.
Happy Hill Farm Image Credit: Modernmom.com
USDA’s initiative is the government’s way of fighting the worsening problem of childhood obesity and the illnesses that come with it. Feeding students with unhealthy food puts the learners’ lives in peril, potentially taking years from their lifespan. Allowing harmful eating habits at school can also cause problems in the growth of the nation, which is moving toward a future where one out of three has diabetes.
But while USDA’s efforts are commendable, the problem of malnutrition should never be faced by schools alone. Parents should also learn to teach their kids how to eat right. They must be observant of their children’s eating behaviors and be examples of why it is better to eat healthily.
Happy Hill Farm Image Credit: Todaysparent.com
Located at Happy Hill Farm, NCTA provides its students with sufficient skills they need to strive toward a future away from negativities such as poverty and lawsuits. Know more at www.happyhillfarm.org.